Sweet Potato Noodle Pudding (Kugel)
Sweet potato noodles (70 calories) a healthier alternative to rice and yellow noodles, sweet potato noodles is a staple in korean food which is slowly going mainstream thanks to its slippery, slightly chewy texture.
Recipe Summary Sweet Potato Noodle Pudding (Kugel)
Jewish people call it Kugel and it is served with every holiday meal--it is absolutely wonderful and so very easy to make.Ingredients | Sweet Potato Starch Noodles Nutritionprep: 30 mins cook: 40 mins additional: 40 mins total: 1 hr 50 mins Servings: 12 Yield: 12 servings
TAG : Sweet Potato Noodle Pudding (Kugel)Trusted Brands: Recipes and Tips, Bruce's® Yams,
Images of Sweet Potato Starch Noodles Nutrition
Sweet Potato Starch Noodles Nutrition / Sweet potato starch calories for 110g (1cup) is 35cal at 332cal per 100g serving size, rich sweet potato starch calories and quick look at nutrition facts.